127 Jepperson Rd Thayne, WY 83127

Large Animal Medicine


Most of the services we provide to large animals are for equine care. We do also see a variety of farm animals, however we generally do not do cattle or herd care. Here’s what our veterinary team can offer you and your equine friends:

Wellness Care

Wellness care is so important to the health of any animal. We recommend patients be seen once a year for a full exam and vaccinations. This allows the doctor to examine the eyes, lungs, heart, skin, muscle tone, potential lameness and more. Vaccinations keep our animals protected from common ailments prevalent in our area or in others in case of travel.

Dental Care

Dental floating is a procedure that helps balance a horse’s mouth. Because horses have continually erupting teeth, they need to be floated to ensure an even chewing platform, as well as a smooth interior surface to avoid ulcerations of the cheeks and gums. And guess what? It’s Dr. Lisa Pachie’s favorite thing to do in equine medicine!

Colic Care

Colic is a term that refers to abdominal pain. There are numerous causes and treatment options. While our hospital does not perform colic surgery, we do treat most colic cases in house. In the instance where a patient needs surgery, we have established relationships with specialty equine hospitals and can refer our patients urgently to other locations for specialized treatment.

Routine Surgery

Our veterinarians offer routine surgical procedures such as castrations, cryptorchid castrations, mass removals and more.

Digital X-Ray

Digital XRay has come a long way since it’s inception. We are happy to be able to offer digital imaging whether on site at the hospital or on location at our client’s homes. Radiographic consults are available for specialty cases where we need more in depth diagnostics.

Urgent Wound Care

Time is of the essence when you have a wounded horse. Bridger Animal Hospital is equipped with veterinarians and support staff that are knowledgeable in the latest techniques for urgent wound care treatment.  We have a safe and clean environment in which to treat your horses, and we take pride in our advanced abilities to do so.

Laser Therapy

Laser Therapy accelerates the body’s natural healing process through photo-bio-modulation. It is effective in treating chronic conditions, acute conditions, and post- surgical pain and inflammation. These therapy laser sessions are required to be performed at our hospital and are currently not offered during ranch calls.

In-House Lab

Our in-house laboratory enables our team to perform blood tests, fecal floats and cytology directly at the point of care. Results are received during patient visits for most routine tests. We utilize reference labs with timely turnarounds for specialized tests, such as those that test for Cushing’s Disease or internal parasites.

In-House Pharmacy

Whether your large animals need over the counter medications, prescription medications or compounded prescriptions, we can supply those for you after performing a comprehensive exam, or with a prescription from another veterinarian.

Ambulatory Services

When it’s not possible to bring a patient into our vet hospital, our doctors can come to you. Some procedures must be done in clinic, however there are a lot of services we can provide at your location. Call us to find out if we can come to you.

Erickson Veterinary Services

For any of your large heard care or cattle veterinary needs, Dr. Harve Erickson offers quality veterinary care at your ranch or establishment. Dr. Erickson can be reached at 307-887-8838

Contact Harve